• At check out an error is received that doesn't allow you to proceed with your order.Complete the following steps.
    1. Attempt to Checkout again. If the error persists, continue.
    2. Click the "Shopping Cart" link at the top of the screen.
    3. Click Save, Input a Requisition Description, then click Save again.
    4. You will now receive a Requisition number.
    5. Click the Requisition tab at the top of the screen
    6. You should see the requisition number you just saved with a status of "Incomplete". Click the requisition number.
    7. Click Complete, then Yes
    8. Click on checkout again.
    9. Verify that the "Need by Date" is greater than the current date.
    10. Proceed with the checkout operation by completing the subsequent steps.
    11. If the issue still persists, save the shopping cart.
    12. Log completely out of IPROC and then close the browser.
    13. Log back into IPROC.
    14. Click the requisition tab, and the requisition number with a status of incomplete.
    15. Attempt to checkout again validating the Need by Date is greater than the current date.
    16. Click Submit