1. Was the employee hired or transferred with in the last 48 hours?
    • If yes, try again once 48 hours from date of hire/transfer has passed
    • If no verify the employees job code and location code are correct in MSS.
      • If incorrect partner with Employee Services (866-411-2772 ex20600)
  2. Confirm the employee is in the Personal Management Listing
    1. Log into the 4690
    2. Select Option 1 - Specialty Store Application
    3. Select Option 7 - Personnel Management
    4. Select Option 2 - Employee Data Base Reports
    5. Select Option 5 - 5 = Display ALL Employees
    6. Selection Option 1 - 1 Sort by Employee Last Name.
  3. If the employee is not in the Personal Management Listing or has the incorrect job code compared to MSS please partner with Store Support to send an HR Download which may take 24 hours up the stores systems.
  4. As a temporary workaround the employee may use the default log in -
    Username: 999 Password: XXXX (Your 4 digit store number)
This information is also available on the Store Support Website Doc#783